Heretic beer family

Heretic Brewing Company is based in Fairfield, California. Owner Jamil Zainasheff and Beer Ambassador Travis Combel visited Fuller’s this week to take the brewery tour during a week of carrying out tastings and brewery collaborations. Jamil very kindly gave me two of his beers to taste and review. I was a bit worried as I really don’t like American ultra-hoppy beers, nor their UK cousins but here goes.

Evil Twin
Evil Twin

Evil Twin is a dark, ruby red ale that pours with a thick beige head of foam. There is a big hop aroma which is floral and citric. The taste is malty, dry and hoppy with pepper spice. A long dry, hoppy, bitter finish with some slight sweetness. Quote ‘ All whoe would win joy, must share it; happiness was born a twin’ – Lord Byron. ABV 6.8%

Evil Cousin
Evil Cousin

Evil Cousin is a Double IPA and pours a golden straw colour with a thick white foam. The aroma is yeasty, spicy and incredibly hoppy. The taste is a huge hop hit and is bitter, citrusy, yeasty and has a very long dry finish with more hops. The taste lingers on and on and is actually quite mouthwatering and boozy with a pepper undertone. Quote ‘ Drink with me Cousin, as Hades comes with the dawn’ – Acacius. ABV 8%

Both beers are not quite my cup of tea but are well crafted and excellent examples of their style. Cheers Jamil!

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